Our Blog

Although it would be easy to do, this is not a BP-bashing post (tempting, but…).  Recently, a  pretty good article about where BP failed in its branding efforts did get me thinking about implications for my own industry. more

For some, “marketing” is little more than a flyer extolling the virtues of one’s product or service.  There’s actually some truth to this.  But when the “strategy” behind a marketing piece starts, and ends, with little more than a look in the mirror, it’s more likely than not that your marketing piece isn’t going to be that effective.  Not with today’s prospect. more

Just when you (all 3 of you!) thought you’d never see another blog post from me, here it is.  But I’m cheating a bit this week  by doing a list.  If you’re one of those hoping to see 1,000 words from me, this ain’t the week! more

I’ll admit it.  I cut out of work a bit early Monday.  As I write this from my little home office in Cleveland (home of the May snowstorm), I’m looking out upon a bit of snow or sleet or something similarly unpleasant as it cascades from slate-gray skies.  There are many reasons to love Cleveland, believe it or not.  The weather is not one of them. more

Ok, I’m back.  Sorry for the extended absence, but I’ve been busy!   🙂

I usually use this space to wax prolific about marketing communications, often as they relate to the mortgage and title industry.  But today, I’m going to focus on communications in general.   more

It’s easy to fall in love with your marketing, especially the brainstorming part.  It’s a chance to present your brand the way you see it.  The way you plan for it to be perceived.  It’s a chance to be creative, to dabble in something that doesn’t (always) have its roots in numbers and problems and logistical challenges. more

Year two of the mortgage meltdown, and the proverbial landscape has definitely changed.  Countrywide is just a memory.  Freddie and Fannie spend more time salvaging loans than buying them now.  The Fed has become (or revealed itself as) the very hand of God, as we await the results of the end of its MBS program.   Mortgage lenders and title agencies alike are grappling with yet another mangled, HUD-created mess.  The appraisers are at the throats of the AMCs like never before.  The underwriters are sharpening their litigation skills.  And the abstractors are just waiting for the phone to ring. more

Wow!  Two blog posts in one week…but don’t get too used to it.  With  spring conference season almost upon us, it’s time for firms of all sizes to consider carefully if and where to allocate their sponsorship or advertising budgets.   Here are a few tips for the most important part of the ad or sponsorship buy:  the production and execution or fulfillment of that ad or sponsorship.  more

Ok.  I’m late again.  For the half-dozen or so of you out there awaiting this blog (Hi Sis!), I’ll make it up to you.  Maybe I’ll buy you all a beer Friday.  Or perhaps (gasp) a second blog on Friday. Stay tuned… more

Things are quiet out there (except, maybe, for the dull roar of hostility and confusion emanating from a nebulous netherworld somewhere between the 2010 GFE and 2010 HUD-1…).  We’re ready for the “down market” to go up again.  But it appears the market isn’t quite ready to oblige.


Nonetheless, there is business being done.  We just have to fight a little harder for our share of it.  more