Category: Mortgage and title industry (general)

With apologies for the delay, I’m somewhere west of Gainesville on vacation this week. And, for some reason, I chose to drive here. With a toddler. And did I mention the stomach flu that’s been ravaging my family for ten long days?  more


It’s nice to see so many old friends finding their way into social media.  The nice thing about the title insurance industry is that, although it may often be slow to embrace a new technology (such as social media), when it does, it does so with gusto. more


Ok.  I’ve been told I need catchier headlines.  Hope this works.


Sorry I’m a little late this week.  I spent some time in Las Vegas for a title industry conference.  While I was there, I was struck by how many new, small businesses are springing up in the mortgage and title industry.  more


Now, people who know me well will probably have a good laugh at the irony of this week’s posting.  You see, I’m not what you’d call a “smiler.”  Sarcasm tends to be my language, and I have…well, let’s just say I tend to have a lawyer’s perspective on much of the world. more

If you’ve been following my blog or know anything about me, you know I’ve become a convert at the altar of social media, particularly LinkedIn.  Now, the industry I serve has many strengths.  Its professionals are loyal, hard-working, detail-oriented, and tend to value traditional relationships.  However, it’s not always a cutting-edge industry when it comes to using technology. more

It’s simple, really. We marketing and PR professionals often get caught up in our toys, terms and tools. Twitter? Check. LinkedIn? Youbetcha. Metrics…vertical strategy…integrated media…webpresencewordofmouthreferralstrategyme diaopportunitycollateralsupport….

Check.   more

I do a lot of consulting for small to very small businesses.  Having been on the management side of a few small businesses, I understand that every expense is a difference-maker.  The margin for error (or, in some cases, the margin itself) is thin.  more

So the market is in a panic, the end of the world as we know it is coming, and there’s no relief in sight.  Happy New Year!  Naturally, your business will be doing nothing to win new business or retain customers in the coming year—it’s too expensive, right?  more

Call it whatever you want.  A down market.  A soft economy.  A bubble-burst.  The end of the world as we know it.  The bottom line is that the mortgage and title industry have seen better times.  And your marketing and advertising budget probably reflects it.   more

I’ve spent the past six years of my career serving the good people of the title insurance and mortgage industry.  Unfortunately, many in the general public are only now being brought to speed, mostly by way of sound-bites and commentaries, about the functions and processes of mortgage lending.   more