Our Blog

Well, here we go. It may be the Seventh Sign of impending Apocalypse, or it just might be a sign of progress. Either way, I now have a blog.

Bottom line is that these tools aren’t just for kids anymore. They’re useful, inexpensive tools that more businesses ought to be using. Taking my cue from respected colleague Rick Grant (www.rickgrant.net), I’ve now been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. And it all starts with this little blog. So what should you expect (notice I’ve resisted the urge to add “going forward”)?

I promise you won’t hear about what I did over the weekend, what I’m having for lunch, or what songs I’m listening to. I’ll also keep my sports rants to a minimum.

What you can expect is fresh content on a reasonably consistent basis (note the lawyer word there—some habits are hard to break). You can expect my observations on events in the industry, although they’ll be given from one marketing person’s point of view. And you will certainly hear my thoughts about the state of marketing communications. I have more than a few observations there.

Anyways, check back. If you like what you see, or if you don’t, please drop me a line at brian@trueimpactcommunications.com.