Tag: blogging

Mitch Joel posted a thoughtful blog this week about the role of conversation in social media. You can read it here. I suggest you do. I’ll wait for you right here.  more

Back by popular demand (Six people can’t be wrong!) I’ve got a new list for you this week.  Bear in mind that this is not high-brow reading for top social media GuruChampionEvangilisticExperts.  This is the basics.  But I hear routinely from folks I know that they’re intimidated about getting started, or that they’ve joined LinkedIn or Twitter and are getting nothing from it.  So this one’s for y’all!    more

By now, you know I’m a fan of social media.  I believe it has enormous potential, and is enormously underused in the title and mortgage industry. In fact, I think there are a lot of communications and marketing tools out there that we’re not taking advantage of. But you know what?  In some cases, that’s for the best.  more

I can remember attending a couple of fairly worthless marketing/PR trade association meetings a few years ago where the only word spilling from everyone’s mouth seemed to be “blog.”  Businesses just had to get into the act.   “Everyone” was doing it!  Don’t ask “why.”  Just blog, dammit!  more