Tag: public relations

Let’s be honest.  Media relations and the mortgage industry haven’t really gone together for a long time.


Many of the people I talk to in the mortgage and title industry would probably rather spend some quality time in a tax audit or third-world dentist’s office than in front of a reporter or editor.  There’s a certain secretiveness about the industry that doesn’t always lend itself to the risk of using public relations as a marketing communications tool.


With apologies for the delay, I’m somewhere west of Gainesville on vacation this week. And, for some reason, I chose to drive here. With a toddler. And did I mention the stomach flu that’s been ravaging my family for ten long days?  more


It’s nice to see so many old friends finding their way into social media.  The nice thing about the title insurance industry is that, although it may often be slow to embrace a new technology (such as social media), when it does, it does so with gusto. more

I’ve spent a lot of time over the past two weeks helping a client put together its annual conference.  My role has been to help shape the content, identify good speakers, and then round them up.


Of course, with my mind on this topic, my blog might as well be, too. more

It’s simple, really. We marketing and PR professionals often get caught up in our toys, terms and tools. Twitter? Check. LinkedIn? Youbetcha. Metrics…vertical strategy…integrated media…webpresencewordofmouthreferralstrategyme diaopportunitycollateralsupport….

Check.   more

I do a lot of consulting for small to very small businesses.  Having been on the management side of a few small businesses, I understand that every expense is a difference-maker.  The margin for error (or, in some cases, the margin itself) is thin.  more

Call it whatever you want.  A down market.  A soft economy.  A bubble-burst.  The end of the world as we know it.  The bottom line is that the mortgage and title industry have seen better times.  And your marketing and advertising budget probably reflects it.   more

PR is more than just getting “ink.”


So you’ve launched your new product or service.  In the last four months, you’ve had three positive feature articles in the biggest trade publications read by your biggest target market.  Your PR plan is succeeding, no?


Not necessarily. more

We’ve seen again this week that when a business doesn’t have or execute a comprehensive PR plan, it’s leaving its brand to fate.  Take the Big Three American auto makers.  more

I’m just going to take a moment here to plug the power of social media.  Those who know me probably find this a little amusing.  Fact is, I didn’t get involved in LinkedIn, FaceBook, blogging, Twitter et al until very recently.  A couple of esteemed colleagues convinced me that I needed to get involved, so I did so reluctantly.  What an eye-opener!   more