The New Year’s Resolution of the RE/Mortgage Industry? Get LinkedIn!

Happy New Year to all of my loyal readers (hi Mom!).  Only 12 days into 2011, it’s becoming plain to me that, while many of us hit the crowded gym, save a few pennies here and there, or take a break from the “see-food” diet (see food, eat food), many in the mortgage and title industry have a different resolution. more

Comments ( 2 )

  • Joe Hafner says:

    Brian – excellent tips. If we’ve learned anything about both New Year’s Resolutions AND Social Media it is that having a plan is the surest way to stick to a goal and achieve real results. Your suggestions are solid elements for a great plan.

  • brian says:

    Thanks Joe. You make an excellent point as well. When it comes to PR and marketing in general, not just social media, a plan is necessary. “One-off” initiatives, done in a vacuum, generally amount to a waste of time and money. I haven’t seen a firm that “one-offs” its products or process. One doesn’t wake up one day and just decide to do REO that week, as opposed to home equity. Most firms don’t just decide on their workflow approach the same week. Same principle is true for any kind of marketing communication. Thanks for your comment!

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