Our Blog

I’ve spent the past six years of my career serving the good people of the title insurance and mortgage industry.  Unfortunately, many in the general public are only now being brought to speed, mostly by way of sound-bites and commentaries, about the functions and processes of mortgage lending. 


In many ways, the mortgage industry is a throwback (for better and for worse) to the way other industries used to function.  The relationship rules.  Companies—even large ones—do business over a handshake and a steak dinner. 


Needless to say, things are changing dramatically for the mortgage industry.  It’s safe to say we’re about to see a sea change in terms of the key players, the regulatory landscape and, above all, accountability.  That’s going to mean even more emphasis on numbers, processes and the bottom line.


That doesn’t mean, however, that the role of the relationship will go away entirely.  Even in the most “modern” (whatever that means) industries, there is still a place for

credibility, loyalty, trustworthiness and honesty.  A big place.  The two concepts don’t have to be diametrically opposed. 


It will be interesting to see how the industry looks when the dust has settled.  And it may yet be a while before we get there.  But I think it’s safe to say that people, and not processes, will still be running the show, with all of their prejudices, interests and other human qualities. Your marketing and sales efforts should be crafted accordingly.