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My topic today is probably a bit elemental to some, but it still amazes me that many otherwise solid businesspeople still don’t seem to get it.  If you’re going to have a company Web site (and in 2008, it shouldn’t really be an if anymore…), why would you have a bad one?


By ‘bad,” I mean riddled with boilerplate, clichés and almost comical photography that screams “My Web site is a template I found on the Web!  And it cost me almost nothing!”


I was talking with a partner the other day, and we joked a bit about our favorite corporate clichés and boilerplate.  Yes, we all use a few of these terms.  But when one’s corporate Web site—which is your collateral and in many cases, one of the front lines of your branding strategy—is simply chock full of these terms, it’s my belief you’re telling prospects and customers “We’re just part of the faceless pack.”  You’re not differentiating yourself.


Look.  Not all Web sites need to be flashy, have lots of moving parts, or be eight-clicks deep.  Simple and professional is all you need.  But, in my humble opinion, let the site really reflect who you are as a business, rather than reflecting what every other hackneyed Web site says about itself.  Use English (or Spanish, or German, or whatever your target market speaks) instead of Corporate as your language.  Avoid the hideous stock photos so many use (You know them well:  two models dressed up in business suits for the day shaking hands over a laptop.  Or better yet, two models in suits doing something remarkably symbolic and deep like running in a footrace.  And yes, that is sarcasm.). 


You don’t need to spend tens of thousands for a good Web site.  Keep it simple.  Keep it clean.  But, above all, keep it real.  Your prospects and customers will know if it isn’t.