Category: Public relations (general)

As I prepare to attend a few trade shows over the next few weeks, I’m reminded of the things I like about them.  Let’s quickly dispense with the things folks don’t like about them first.  more

Saw a great cartoon today in The Oatmeal lampooning the world of social media and its self-proclaimed experts.  You can see it here. Pay close attention to #5.   more

Back by popular demand (Six people can’t be wrong!) I’ve got a new list for you this week.  Bear in mind that this is not high-brow reading for top social media GuruChampionEvangilisticExperts.  This is the basics.  But I hear routinely from folks I know that they’re intimidated about getting started, or that they’ve joined LinkedIn or Twitter and are getting nothing from it.  So this one’s for y’all!    more

I’d be remiss, as a loyal Clevelander, not to derive some lesson from the mangled PR train-wreck that is the LeBronaclypse.  So please bear with me! more

I recently read a great blog post about social media strategy.  Or, I should say, about the lack thereof.  According to Mr. Bedell’s post, only 51% of businesses surveyed which are using social media for business purposes have a plan for doing so, even though 88% agreed it was, in theory, at least, a worthwhile endeavor.

Wow. more

By now, you’ve figured out I’m a big baseball fan.  I’m not sure why.  I guess its allure has to be bigger than my hometown favorite Cleveland Indians, since it has been at least a decade since they’ve given me much to cheer about, and about 62 years since their last World Series championship…but who’s counting? more

Although it would be easy to do, this is not a BP-bashing post (tempting, but…).  Recently, a  pretty good article about where BP failed in its branding efforts did get me thinking about implications for my own industry. more

Just when you (all 3 of you!) thought you’d never see another blog post from me, here it is.  But I’m cheating a bit this week  by doing a list.  If you’re one of those hoping to see 1,000 words from me, this ain’t the week! more

Ok.  I’m late again.  For the half-dozen or so of you out there awaiting this blog (Hi Sis!), I’ll make it up to you.  Maybe I’ll buy you all a beer Friday.  Or perhaps (gasp) a second blog on Friday. Stay tuned… more

Things are quiet out there (except, maybe, for the dull roar of hostility and confusion emanating from a nebulous netherworld somewhere between the 2010 GFE and 2010 HUD-1…).  We’re ready for the “down market” to go up again.  But it appears the market isn’t quite ready to oblige.


Nonetheless, there is business being done.  We just have to fight a little harder for our share of it.  more